Catching up with Technology
I have collected cookbooks for years. I've even created my own cookbook cutting out interesting and unique recipes from newspaper and magazines. One evening, I decided to make spinach quiche for dinner and began searching through my collection to find one without too many ingredients and not too difficult to make. While going through my cookbooks, my head buried behind the pile, my niece walked into the room. "Auntie, what are you doing?" I looked up at her and down at her hand in which she held her cellphone. an appendage attached to her hand as she seldom puts it down. When I told her, she said simply, "Why don't you just goggle it." "Google it?" I asked. She peered down at her phone while tapping on the screen. Within seconds, she pulled up several recipes for spinach quiche and showed them to me. I was impressed. In response to many questions I have about anything and everything, her response is always "just goggle it....