Still Feeling the Power and Strength of Hate
Phillip Sanchez - Guest Blogger Still feeling the power and strength of Hate Our Nation seems now on the brink. Which way will we go? Feels like we are actually moving more toward hate and intolerance. Wondering if I should re-arm myself again. We seem to be moving backwards as a civilized nation. Is our nation now on the short path to self-destruction? I don't know, I don't know. I don't know if we can not get along with each other. Such hatred and evil coming out of the actions of the Evil One and his Cohorts. Serious cuts, bruises, and wounds in the fabric of this, Our beloved nation. I will remain positive even though I know it may be very hard at times. Knowing that there are those who really, really seek to hurt others, destroy others, who seem to really have no feelings, no empathy for others refusing to follow the words of Christ, "Verily I say unto you, Inasmuch as you did it to one of the least of these, you did it unto Me." Matthew 25:35-40 Those of u...