Expect Changes
Al Turnbull Guest Blogger
(An Old Man's Guide to Advanced Age)
We are constantly told in the daily news reports that our population is aging. An advertisement in a popular magazine proclaims that 10,000 people turn 65 every day. They don't cite their research, but anyhow, it is evident that there are a lot of children and a lot of old people around; also, there is evidence when you read obituaries in the newspaper that many people are living long lives. As one of the elder eldest (I am 89), I feel that I am in a position to expound on old age as an expert on how to exist in a hostile environment. At least I have some ideas and suggestions to those of you who are in your middle seventies and are going to have to be canny and realize that you are going to have to re-learn many things as time rushes by, and you become among the old older.
First of all, particularly, if you are a man, you need a companion. Women seem to be stronger and more skillful in living by themselves. An old person needs to develop special skills to survive and care for themselves. A consultation with a physical therapist is worthwhile for one must learn basic skills as how to sit and rise from a chair, get in and out of bed, walk and not shuffle, how to stand, how to get dressed, and how to move. Negotiating stairs is a huge problem if there is no railing and wall to balance oneself. A deep overstuffed chair or sofa could easily trap a person who no longer has strong pliable muscles to rise. There is a great need to have balancing skills to avoid falls.
After realizing and accommodating the unremitting physical limitations of aging, staying mentally alert is essential. Read the daily newspaper, books and magazines, do crossword puzzles, and learn to use a computer but beware of dangers that come with one; don't become enslaved to social networks and beware of people trying to scam you. Messages with weird or foreign words in the subject line should be consigned to the spam file. Learn to use the delete key. Form your own opinions, think for yourself, and avoid political pundits and preachers who demand your money to get you priority in heaven. Just because you are old you don't have to fall for some criminal's folderol!
Look after your health. Exercise daily, see your doctor when you are not feeling right, and visit your dentist; every tooth you keep adds a year to your longevity, (this is my maxim). Your doctor, dentist and optometrist are vital guardians.
Another area you must consider as you age is your financial health. An absolute sign of dotage is squandering money. You do not have to contribute to every charity that sends you address labels and begs for cash. I feel giving a scholarship fund at an accredited college is better than buying Thanksgiving dinner for the indolent. They will be hungry the day following. Absolutely never make loans or co-sign for a family member or friend. If a bank won't lend to them, you dare not. Run from financial advisors who want to sell insurance or dubious annuities. Find bonds and stocks to work for you and don't allow money to stay in a low yield bank account. Make a will that wisely distributes your estate and will not reward unworthy family members who never bother to call you, remember your birthday, or thank you for gifts, as you become old.
Here are some additional ideas I have to offer
· Keep a supply of flashlights around: small, cheap, LED-type give a lot of light and will save you in a power failure.
· Keep a light on in the bathroom.
· Be meticulous about taking your medications.
· Try not to cross roadways. You walk slowly and drivers are inattentive.
· Make friends
· When out of your home, carry pepper spray to ward off muggers and pit bulls
· Be a volunteer
· Have a special place for your keys, eyeglasses, and other essentials. Immediate recall just about disappears as you go up in your 80's.
· Eat balance meals and use fresh fruits for snacks.
· Take a short afternoon nap.
· Germs hate you. Fight them by washing your hands frequently and make liberal use of hand sanitizers when eating in buffets and restaurants.
· Graciously realize when you must surrender your driver's license. When you leave, you don't want to take any pedestrians with you.
· Keep your doors locked, never answer your door after dark, and never admit a stranger into your home.
· Keep valuables and important papers in a safe deposit box.
· Be informed on local issues and vote.
· Pay your bills on line when possible. Go to the post office to mail checks.
· Be acquainted with your neighbors.
Finally, be prudent and mature: Father William, if you read on in Lewis Carrol's poem, was standing on his head. Accept that when you are in your 80's you must not do things that a child can. Don't be childish.
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