
Showing posts from 2023

Happy Birthday

 Phillip Sanchez - Guest Blogger  I wrote this on my Birthday, last Saturday, Jan 28 th  of 2023   Today, this day I turn 78 years of age. I look in the mirror, and, I have to look again. Who is that old, old wrinkled up man, that Viejo  (Spanish for old man) What happened  que paso? To you How very sad, Que lastima Well, aside from the sorry looking sight of me, the image of the very old man of the sea. I do come to the realization that, Yes,  I’m 78 now Many mixed feelings Don’t know why I feel a little melancholy. Memories of my youth and my parents come to my heart now With it, quiet sadness. Don’t know how much longer. My Father will grant me Life on this planet. It’s unknown. That light at the end of the tunnel grows -  smaller And smaller, day by day by day. But, on the other side of the coin I’m ever so grateful for  The true blessing of this, my Life A healthy body, mind, and spirit I do say a healthy body with a mediu...